Drink at least six cops of coffee. Listen to this and click the picture. Stare at it for 15 minuts and contribute this blog by sharing you´r feelings by writing to me. Merci.
Tässä blogissa julkaisen otoksia sarjakuva-albumistani "Taloyhtiö ja kannibaalit" sekä yksittäisiä kuvia albumin ulkopuolelta. In this blog I publish parts from my album "Apartement House And The Cannibals" and other drawings.
VastaaPoistaInspiring. And thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of music with us. I really, really appreciate it. By the way, my other genious AD is demanding some decoration in our office. I´d rather call marco.
VastaaPoista-joz, in english.
Mul oli toi t-paita päällä kingston wallin keikalla ruisrokissa.